Below you can find the payment methods accepted by our company (100% safety)
Account owner: Eurasia 1 srl
IBAN: IT 69 G 08753 10200 000050112073
Bank name: Banca di Credito Cooperativo di Pianfei e Rocca dè Baldi
Bank address
Street: Via Cappa, 4
City: Madonna Delle Grazie (CN)
Zip code: 12100
Country: Italy
We also accept payment by Paypal.
Remember to inform us of payment method when submitting your order.
An additional 3.5% charge will be added to your proforma/invoice.
Please send us an email for this method of payment.
Our Paypal account is
We accept payment by credit card through the Paypal system.
Remember to inform us of payment method when submitting your order.
An additional 3.5% charge will be added to your proforma/invoice.
Please send us an email for this method of payment.
We also accept payment by Stripe.
Remember to inform us of payment method when submitting your order.
An additional 2.5% charge will be added to your proforma/invoice.
Please send us an email for this method of payment.